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Version: 1.21.4

Mod Files

The mod files are responsible for determining what mods are packaged into your JAR, what information to display within the 'Mods' menu, and how your mod should be loaded in the game.

The file holds various common properties of your mod, such as the mod id or mod version. During building, Gradle reads the values in these files and inlines them in various places, such as the neoforge.mods.toml file. This way, you only need to change values in one place, and they are then applied everywhere for you.

Most values are also explained as comments in the MDK's file.

org.gradle.jvmargsAllows you to pass extra JVM arguments to Gradle. Most commonly, this is used to assign more/less memory to Gradle. Note that this is for Gradle itself, not
org.gradle.daemonWhether Gradle should use the daemon when
org.gradle.parallelWhether Gradle should fork JVMs to execute projects in
org.gradle.cachingWhether Gradle should reuse task outputs from previous
org.gradle.configuration-cacheWhether Gradle should reuse the build configuration from previous
org.gradle.debugWhether Gradle is set to debug mode. Debug mode mainly means more Gradle log output. Note that this is for Gradle itself, not
minecraft_versionThe Minecraft version you are modding on. Must match with neo_version.minecraft_version=1.20.6
minecraft_version_rangeThe Minecraft version range this mod can use, as a Maven Version Range. Note that snapshots, pre-releases and release candidates are not guaranteed to sort properly, as they do not follow maven versioning.minecraft_version_range=[1.20.6,1.21)
neo_versionThe NeoForge version you are modding on. Must match with minecraft_version. See NeoForge Versioning for more information on how NeoForge versioning works.neo_version=20.6.62
neo_version_rangeThe NeoForge version range this mod can use, as a Maven Version Range.neo_version_range=[20.6.62,20.7)
loader_version_rangeThe version range of the mod loader this mod can use, as a Maven Version Range. Note that the loader versioning is decoupled from NeoForge versioning.loader_version_range=[1,)
mod_idSee The Mod ID.mod_id=examplemod
mod_nameThe human-readable display name of your mod. By default, this can only be seen in the mod list, however, mods such as JEI prominently display mod names in item tooltips as well.mod_name=Example Mod
mod_licenseThe license your mod is provided under. It is suggested that this is set to the SPDX identifier you are using and/or a link to the license. You can visit to help pick the license you want to use.mod_license=MIT
mod_versionThe version of your mod, shown in the mod list. See the page on Versioning for more information.mod_version=1.0
mod_group_idSee The Group ID.mod_group_id=com.example.examplemod
mod_authorsThe authors of the mod, shown in the mod list.mod_authors=ExampleModder
mod_descriptionThe description of the mod, as a multiline string, shown in the mod list. Newline characters (\n) can be used and will be replaced properly.mod_description=Example mod description.

The Mod ID

The mod ID is the main way your mod is distinguished from others. It is used in a wide variety of places, including as the namespace for your mod's registries, and as your resource and data pack namespaces. Having two mods with the same id will prevent the game from loading.

As such, your mod ID should be something unique and memorable. Usually, it will be your mod's display name (but lower case), or some variation thereof. Mod IDs may only contain lowercase letters, digits and underscores, and must be between 2 and 64 characters long (both inclusive).


Changing this property in the file will automatically apply the change everywhere, except for the @Mod annotation in your main mod class. There, you need to change it manually to match the value in the file.

The Group ID

While the group property in the build.gradle is only necessary if you plan to publish your mod to a maven, it is considered good practice to always properly set this. This is done for you through the's mod_group_id property.

The group id should be set to your top-level package. See Packaging for more information.

# In your file

The packages within your java source (src/main/java) should also now conform to this structure, with an inner package representing the mod id:

- example (top-level package specified in group property)
- mymod (the mod id)
- (renamed


The neoforge.mods.toml file, located at src/main/resources/META-INF/neoforge.mods.toml, is a file in TOML format that defines the metadata of your mod(s). It also contains additional information on how your mod(s) should be loaded into the game, as well as display information that is displayed within the 'Mods' menu. The neoforge.mods.toml file provided by the MDK contains comments explaining every entry, they will be explained here in more detail.

The neoforge.mods.toml can be separated into three parts: the non-mod-specific properties, which are linked to the mod file; the mod properties, with a section for each mod; and the dependency configurations, with a section for each mod's or mods' dependencies. Some of the properties associated with the neoforge.mods.toml file are mandatory; mandatory properties require a value to be specified, otherwise an exception will be thrown.


In the default MDK, Gradle replaces various properties in this file with the values specified in the file. For example, the line license="${mod_license}" means that the license field is replaced by the mod_license property from Values that are replaced like this should be changed in the instead of changing them here.

Non-Mod-Specific Properties

Non-mod-specific properties are properties associated with the JAR itself, indicating how to load the mod(s) and any additional global metadata.

modLoaderstringmandatoryThe language loader used by the mod(s). Can be used to support alternative language structures, such as Kotlin objects for the main file, or different methods of determining the entrypoint, such as an interface or method. NeoForge provides the Java loader "javafml" and the lowcode/nocode loader "lowcodefml".modLoader="javafml"
loaderVersionstringmandatoryThe acceptable version range of the language loader, expressed as a Maven Version Range. For javafml and lowcodefml, this is currently version 1.loaderVersion="[1,)"
licensestringmandatoryThe license the mod(s) in this JAR are provided under. It is suggested that this is set to the SPDX identifier you are using and/or a link to the license. You can visit to help pick the license you want to use.license="MIT"
showAsResourcePackbooleanfalseWhen true, the mod(s)'s resources will be displayed as a separate resource pack on the 'Resource Packs' menu, rather than being combined with the 'Mod Resources' pack.showAsResourcePack=true
showAsDataPackbooleanfalseWhen true, the mod(s)'s data files will be displayed as a separate data pack on the 'Data Packs' menu, rather than being combined with the 'Mod Data' pack.showAsDataPack=true
servicesarray[]An array of services your mod uses. This is consumed as part of the created module for the mod from NeoForge's implementation of the Java Platform Module["net.neoforged.neoforgespi.language.IModLanguageProvider"]
propertiestable{}A table of substitution properties. This is used by StringSubstitutor to replace ${file.<key>} with its corresponding{"example"="1.2.3"} (can then be referenced by ${file.example})
issueTrackerURLstringnothingA URL representing the place to report and track issues with the mod(s).""

The services property is functionally equivalent to specifying the uses directive in a module, which allows loading a service of a given type.

Alternatively, it can be defined in a service file inside the src/main/resources/META-INF/services folder, where the file name is the fully-qualified name of the service, and the file content is the name of the service to load (see also this example from the AtlasViewer mod).

Mod-Specific Properties

Mod-specific properties are tied to the specified mod using the [[mods]] header. This is an array of tables; all key/value properties will be attached to that mod until the next header.

# Properties for examplemod1
modId = "examplemod1"

# Properties for examplemod2
modId = "examplemod2"
modIdstringmandatorySee The Mod ID.modId="examplemod"
namespacestringvalue of modIdAn override namespace for the mod. Must also be a valid mod ID, but may additionally include dots or dashes. Currently unused.namespace="example"
versionstring"1"The version of the mod, preferably in a variation of Maven versioning. When set to ${file.jarVersion}, it will be replaced with the value of the Implementation-Version property in the JAR's manifest (displays as 0.0NONE in a development environment).version="1.20.2-1.0.0"
displayNamestringvalue of modIdThe display name of the mod. Used when representing the mod on a screen (e.g., mod list, mod mismatch).displayName="Example Mod"
descriptionstring'''MISSING DESCRIPTION'''The description of the mod shown in the mod list screen. It is recommended to use a multiline literal string. This value is also translatable, see Translating Mod Metadata for more info.description='''This is an example.'''
logoFilestringnothingThe name and extension of an image file used on the mods list screen. The location must be an absolute path starting from the root of the JAR or source set (e.g. src/main/resources for the main source set). Valid filename characters are lowercase letters (a-z), digits (0-9), slashes, (/), underscores (_), periods (.) and hyphens (-). The complete character set is [a-z0-9_-.].logoFile="test/example_logo.png"
logoBlurbooleantrueWhether to use GL_LINEAR* (true) or GL_NEAREST* (false) to render the logoFile. In simpler terms, this means whether the logo should be blurred or not when trying to scale the logo.logoBlur=false
updateJSONURLstringnothingA URL to a JSON used by the update checker to make sure the mod you are playing is the latest version.updateJSONURL=""
featurestable{}See features.features={java_version="[17,)"}
modpropertiestable{}A table of key/values associated with this mod. Unused by NeoForge, but is mainly for use by mods.modproperties={example="value"}
modUrlstringnothingA URL to the download page of the mod. Currently unused.modUrl=""
creditsstringnothingCredits and acknowledges for the mod shown on the mod list screen.credits="The person over here and there."
authorsstringnothingThe authors of the mod shown on the mod list screen.authors="Example Person"
displayURLstringnothingA URL to the display page of the mod shown on the mod list screen.displayURL=""
enumExtensionsstringnothingThe file path of a JSON file used for enum extensionenumExtensions="META_INF/enumextensions.json"
featureFlagsstringnothingThe file path of a JSON file used for feature flagsfeatureFlags="META-INF/feature_flags.json"


The features system allows mods to demand that certain settings, software, or hardware are available when loading the system. When a feature is not satisfied, mod loading will fail, informing the user about the requirement. Currently, NeoForge provides the following features:

javaVersionThe acceptable version range of the Java version, expressed as a Maven Version Range. This should be the supported version used by Minecraft.features={javaVersion="[17,)"}
openGLVersionThe acceptable version range of the OpenGL version, expressed as a Maven Version Range. Minecraft requires OpenGL 3.2 or newer. If you want to require a newer OpenGL version, you can do so here.features={openGLVersion="[4.6,)"}

Access Transformer-Specific Properties

Access Transformer-specific properties are tied to the specified access transformer using the [[accessTransformers]] header. This is an array of tables; all key/value properties will be attached to that access transformer until the next header. The access transformer header is optional; however, when specified, all elements are mandatory.

filestringmandatorySee Adding ATs.file="at.cfg"

Mixin Configuration Properties

Mixin Configuration Properties are tied to the specified mixin config using the [[mixins]] header. This is an array of tables; all key/value properties will be attached to that mixin block until the next header. The mixin header is optional; however, when specified, all elements are mandatory.

configstringmandatoryThe location of the mixin configuration file.config="examplemod.mixins.json"

Dependency Configurations

Mods can specify their dependencies, which are checked by NeoForge before loading the mods. These configurations are created using the array of tables [[dependencies.<modid>]], where modid is the identifier of the mod that consumes the dependency.

modIdstringmandatoryThe identifier of the mod added as a dependency.modId="jei"
typestring"required"Specifies the nature of this dependency: "required" is the default and prevents the mod from loading if this dependency is missing; "optional" will not prevent the mod from loading if the dependency is missing, but still validates that the dependency is compatible; "incompatible" prevents the mod from loading if this dependency is present; "discouraged" still allows the mod to load if the dependency is present, but presents a warning to the user.type="incompatible"
reasonstringnothingAn optional user-facing message to describe why this dependency is required, or why it is incompatible.reason="integration"
versionRangestring""The acceptable version range of the language loader, expressed as a Maven Version Range. An empty string matches any version.versionRange="[1, 2)"
orderingstring"NONE"Defines if the mod must load before ("BEFORE") or after ("AFTER") this dependency. If the ordering does not matter, return "NONE"ordering="AFTER"
sidestring"BOTH"The physical side the dependency must be present on: "CLIENT", "SERVER", or "BOTH".side="CLIENT"
referralUrlstringnothingA URL to the download page of the dependency. Currently unused.referralUrl=""

The ordering of two mods may cause a crash due to a cyclic dependency, for example if mod A must load "BEFORE" mod B and at the same time, mod B must load "BEFORE" mod A.

Mod Entrypoints

Now that the neoforge.mods.toml is filled out, we need to provide an entrypoint for the mod. Entrypoints are essentially the starting point for executing the mod. The entrypoint itself is determined by the language loader used in the neoforge.mods.toml.

javafml and @Mod

javafml is a language loader provided by NeoForge for the Java programming language. The entrypoint is defined using a public class with the @Mod annotation. The value of @Mod must contain one of the mod ids specified within the neoforge.mods.toml. From there, all initialization logic (e.g. registering events or adding DeferredRegisters) can be specified within the constructor of the class.

The main mod class must only have one public constructor; otherwise a RuntimeException will be thrown. The constructor may have any of the following arguments in any order; none of them are explicitly required. However, no duplicate parameters are allowed.

Argument TypeDescription
IEventBusThe mod-specific event bus (needed for registration, events, etc.)
ModContainerThe abstract container holding this mod's metadata
FMLModContainerThe actual container as defined by javafml holding this mod's metadata; an extension of ModContainer
DistThe physical side this mod is loading on
@Mod("examplemod") // Must match a mod id in the neoforge.mods.toml
public class ExampleMod {
// Valid constructor, only uses two of the available argument types
public ExampleMod(IEventBus modBus, ModContainer container) {
// Initialize logic here

By default, a @Mod annotation is loaded on both sides. This can be changed by specifying the dist parameter:

// Must match a mod id in the neoforge.mods.toml
// This mod class will only be loaded on the physical client
@Mod(value = "examplemod", dist = Dist.CLIENT)
public class ExampleModClient {
// Valid constructor
public ExampleModClient(FMLModContainer container, IEventBus modBus, Dist dist) {
// Initialize client-only logic here

An entry in neoforge.mods.toml does not need a corresponding @Mod annotation. Likewise, an entry in the neoforge.mods.toml can have multiple @Mod annotations, for example if you want to separate common logic and client only logic.


lowcodefml is a language loader used as a way to distribute datapacks and resource packs as mods without the need of an in-code entrypoint. It is specified as lowcodefml rather than nocodefml for minor additions in the future that might require minimal coding.