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Version: 1.21.4


Tools are items whose primary use is to break blocks. Many mods add new tool sets (for example copper tools) or new tool types (for example hammers).

Custom Tool Sets

A tool set typically consists of five items: a pickaxe, an axe, a shovel, a hoe and a sword. (Swords aren't tools in the classical sense, but are included here for consistency as well.) All of those items have their corresponding class: PickaxeItem, AxeItem, ShovelItem, HoeItem and SwordItem, respectively. The class hierarchy of tools looks as follows:

- DiggerItem
- AxeItem
- HoeItem
- PickaxeItem
- ShovelItem
- SwordItem

Tools are almost completely implemented through seven data components:

  • DataComponents#MAX_DAMAGE and #DAMAGE for durability
  • #MAX_STACK_SIZE to set the stack size to 1
  • #REPAIRABLE for reepairing a tool in an anvil
  • #ENCHANTABLE for the maximum enchanting value
  • #ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIERS for attack damage and attack speed
  • #TOOL for mining information

For DiggerItem and SwordItem, they are simply delegates that set up the components via the utility record ToolMaterial. Note that other items usually considered tools, such as shears, are not included in this hierarchy. Instead, they directly extend Item and hold the breaking logic themselves.

To create a standard set of tools using a DiggerItem or SwordItem, you must first define a ToolMaterial. Reference values can be found within the constants in ToolMaterial. This example uses copper tools, you can use your own material here and adjust the values as needed.

// We place copper somewhere between stone and iron.
public static final ToolMaterial COPPER_MATERIAL = new ToolMaterial(
// The tag that determines what blocks this material cannot break. See below for more information.
// Determines the durability of the material.
// Stone is 131, iron is 250.
// Determines the mining speed of the material. Unused by swords.
// Stone uses 4, iron uses 6.
// Determines the attack damage bonus. Different tools use this differently. For example, swords do (getAttackDamageBonus() + 4) damage.
// Stone uses 1, iron uses 2, corresponding to 5 and 6 attack damage for swords, respectively; our sword does 5.5 damage now.
// Determines the enchantability of the material. This represents how good the enchantments on this tool will be.
// Gold uses 22, we put copper slightly below that.
// The tag that determines what items can repair this material.

Now that we have our ToolMaterial, we can use it for registering tools. All tool constructors have the same four parameters.

// ITEMS is a DeferredRegister.Items
public static final DeferredItem<SwordItem> COPPER_SWORD = ITEMS.registerItem(
props -> new SwordItem(
// The material to use.
// The type-specific attack damage bonus. 3 for swords, 1.5 for shovels, 1 for pickaxes, varying for axes and hoes.
// The type-specific attack speed modifier. The player has a default attack speed of 4, so to get to the desired
// value of 1.6f, we use -2.4f. -2.4f for swords, -3f for shovels, -2.8f for pickaxes, varying for axes and hoes.
// The item properties.

public static final DeferredItem<AxeItem> COPPER_AXE = ITEMS.registerItem("copper_axe", props -> new AxeItem(...));
public static final DeferredItem<PickaxeItem> COPPER_PICKAXE = ITEMS.registerItem("copper_pickaxe", props -> new PickaxeItem(...));
public static final DeferredItem<ShovelItem> COPPER_SHOVEL = ITEMS.registerItem("copper_shovel", props -> new ShovelItem(...));
public static final DeferredItem<HoeItem> COPPER_HOE = ITEMS.registerItem("copper_hoe", props -> new HoeItem(...));


When creating a ToolMaterial, it is assigned a block tag containing blocks that will not drop anything if broken with this tool. For example, the minecraft:incorrect_for_stone_tool tag contains blocks like Diamond Ore, and the minecraft:incorrect_for_iron_tool tag contains blocks like Obsidian and Ancient Debris. To make it easier to assign blocks to their incorrect mining levels, a tag also exists for blocks that need this tool to be mined. For example, the minecraft:needs_iron_tool tag contains blocks like Diamond Ore, and the minecraft:needs_diamond_tool tag contains blocks like Obsidian and Ancient Debris.

You can reuse one of the incorrect tags for your tool if you're fine with that. For example, if we wanted our copper tools to just be more durable stone tools, we'd pass in BlockTags#INCORRECT_FOR_STONE_TOOL.

Alternatively, we can create our own tag, like so:

// This tag will allow us to add these blocks to the incorrect tags that cannot mine them
public static final TagKey<Block> NEEDS_COPPER_TOOL = TagKey.create(BuiltInRegistries.BLOCK.key(), ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(MOD_ID, "needs_copper_tool"));

// This tag will be passed into our material
public static final TagKey<Block> INCORRECT_FOR_COPPER_TOOL = TagKey.create(BuiltInRegistries.BLOCK.key(), ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(MOD_ID, "incorrect_for_cooper_tool"));

And then, we populate our tag. For example, let's make copper able to mine gold ores, gold blocks and redstone ore, but not diamonds or emeralds. (Redstone blocks are already mineable by stone tools.) The tag file is located at src/main/resources/data/mod_id/tags/block/needs_copper_tool.json (where mod_id is your mod id):

"values": [

Then, for our tag to pass into the material, we can provide a negative constraint for any tools that are incorrect for stone tools but within our copper tools tag. The tag file is located at src/main/resources/data/mod_id/tags/block/incorrect_for_cooper_tool.json:

"values": [
"remove": [

Finally, we can pass our tag into our material instance, as seen above.

If you want to check if a tool can make a block state drop its blocks, call Tool#isCorrectForDrops. The Tool can be obtained by calling ItemStack#get with DataComponents#TOOL.

Custom Tools

Custom tools can be created by adding a Tool data component (via DataComponents#TOOL) to the list of default components on your item via Item.Properties#component. DiggerItem is an implementation which takes in a ToolMaterial, as explained above, to construct the Tool, along with a few other basic components such as attributes and durability.

A Tool contains a list of Tool.Rules, the default mining speed when holding the tool (1 by default), and the amount of damage the tool should take when mining a block (1 by default). A Tool.Rule contains three pieces of information: a HolderSet of blocks to apply the rule to, an optional speed at which to mine the blocks in the set, and an optional boolean at which to determine whether these blocks can drop from this tool. If the optional are not set, then the other rules will be checked. The default behavior if all rules fail is the default mining speed and that the block cannot be dropped.


A HolderSet can be created from a TagKey via Registry#getOrThrow.

Creating any tool or multitool-like item (i.e. an item that combines two or more tools into one, e.g. an axe and a pickaxe as one item) does not need to extend any of the existing DiggerItems or SwordItem. It simply can be implemented using a combination of the following parts:

  • Adding a Tool with your own rules by setting DataComponents#TOOL via Item.Properties#component.
  • Adding attributes to the item (e.g. attack damage, attack speed) via Item.Properties#attributes.
  • Adding item durability via Item.Properties#durability.
  • Allowing the item to be repaired via Item.Properties#repariable.
  • Allowing the item to be enchanted via Item.Properties#enchantable.
  • Overriding IItemExtension#canPerformAction to determine what ItemAbilitys the item can perform.
  • Calling IBlockExtension#getToolModifiedState if you want your item to modify the block state on right click based on the ItemAbilitys.
  • Adding your tool to some of the minecraft:enchantable/* ItemTags so that your item can have certain enchantments applied to it.
  • Adding your tool to some of the minecraft:*_preferred_weapons tags to allow mobs to favor your weapon to pickup and use.


ItemAbilitys are an abstraction over what an item can and cannot do. This includes both left-click and right-click behavior. NeoForge provides default ItemAbilitys in the ItemAbilities class:

  • Digging abilities. These exist for all four DiggerItem types as mentioned above, as well as sword and shears digging.
  • Axe right-click abilities for stripping (logs), scraping (oxidized copper), and unwaxing (waxed copper).
  • Shovel right-click abilities for flattening (dirt paths) and dousing (campfires).
  • Shear abilities for harvesting (honeycombs), removing armor (armored wolves), carving (pumpkins), disarming (tripwires), and trimming (stop plants from growing).
  • Abilities for sword sweeping, hoe tilling, shield blocking, fishing rod casting, trident throwing, brush brushing, and firestarter lighting.

To create your own ItemAbilitys, use ItemAbility#get - it will create a new ItemAbility if needed. Then, in a custom tool type, override IItemExtension#canPerformAction as needed.

To query if an ItemStack can perform a certain ItemAbility, call IItemStackExtension#canPerformAction. Note that this works on any Item, not just tools.