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Version: 1.21.4


Along with blocks, items are a key component of Minecraft. While blocks make up the world around you, items exist within inventories.

What Even Is an Item?

Before we get further into creating items, it is important to understand what an item actually is, and what distinguishes it from, say, a block. Let's illustrate this using an example:

  • In the world, you encounter a dirt block and want to mine it. This is a block, because it is placed in the world. (Actually, it is not a block, but a blockstate. See the Blockstates article for more detailed information.)
    • Not all blocks drop themselves when breaking (e.g. leaves), see the article on loot tables for more information.
  • Once you have mined the block, it is removed (= replaced with an air block) and the dirt drops. The dropped dirt is an item entity. This means that like other entities (pigs, zombies, arrows, etc.), it can inherently be moved by things like water pushing on it, or burned by fire and lava.
  • Once you pick up the dirt item entity, it becomes an item stack in your inventory. An item stack is, simply put, an instance of an item with some extra information, such as the stack size.
  • Item stacks are backed by their corresponding item (which is what we're creating). Items hold data components that contains the default information all items stacks are initialized to (for example, every iron sword has a max durability of 250), while item stacks can modify those data components, allowing two different stacks for the same item to have different information (for example, one iron sword has 100 uses left, while another iron sword has 200 uses left). For more information on what is done through items and what is done through item stacks, read on.
    • The relationship between items and item stacks is roughly the same as between blocks and blockstates, in that a blockstate is always backed by a block. It's not a really accurate comparison (item stacks aren't singletons, for example), but it gives a good basic idea about what the concept is here.

Creating an Item

Now that we understand what an item is, let's create one!

Like with basic blocks, for basic items that need no special functionality (think sticks, sugar, etc.), the Item class can be used directly. To do so, during registration, instantiate Item with a Item.Properties parameter. This Item.Properties parameter can be created using Item.Properties#of, and it can be customized by calling its methods:

  • setId - Sets the resource key of the item.
    • This must be set on every item; otherwise, an exception will be thrown.
  • overrideDescription - Sets the translation key of the item. The created Component is stored in DataComponents#ITEM_NAME.
  • useBlockDescriptionPrefix - Convenience helper that calls overrideDescription with the translation key block.<modid>.<registry_name>. This should be called on any BlockItem.
  • requiredFeatures - Sets the required feature flags for this item. This is mainly used for vanilla's feature locking system in minor versions. It is discouraged to use this, unless you're integrating with a system locked behind feature flags by vanilla.
  • stacksTo - Sets the max stack size (via DataComponents#MAX_STACK_SIZE) of this item. Defaults to 64. Used e.g. by ender pearls or other items that only stack to 16.
  • durability - Sets the durability (via DataComponents#MAX_DAMAGE) of this item and the initial damage to 0 (via DataComponents#DAMAGE). Defaults to 0, which means "no durability". For example, iron tools use 250 here. Note that setting the durability automatically locks the max stack size to 1.
  • fireResistant - Makes item entities that use this item immune to fire and lava (via DataComponents#FIRE_RESISTANT). Used by various netherite items.
  • rarity - Sets the rarity of this item (via DataComponents#RARITY). Currently, this simply changes the item's color. Rarity is an enum consisting of the four values COMMON (white, default), UNCOMMON (yellow), RARE (aqua) and EPIC (light purple). Be aware that mods may add more rarity types.
  • setNoRepair - Disables anvil and crafting grid repairing for this item. Unused in vanilla.
  • jukeboxPlayable - Sets the resource key of the datapack JukeboxSong to play when inserted into a jukebox.
  • food - Sets the FoodProperties of this item (via DataComponents#FOOD).

For examples, or to look at the various values used by Minecraft, have a look at the Items class.

Remainders and Cooldowns

Items may have additional properties that are applied when being used or prevent the item from being used for a set time:

  • craftRemainder - Sets the crafting remainder of this item. Vanilla uses this for filled buckets that leave behind empty buckets after crafting.
  • usingConvertsTo - Sets the item to return after the item is finished being used via Item#use, IItemExtension#finishUsingItem, or Item#releaseUsing. The ItemStack is stored on DataComponents#USE_REMAINDER.
  • useCooldown - Sets the number of seconds before the item can be used again (via DataComponents#USE_COOLDOWN).

Tools and Armor

Some items act like tools and armor. These are constructed via a series of item properties, with only some usage being delegated to their associated classes:

  • enchantable - Sets the maximum enchantment value of the stack, allowing the item to be enchanted (via DataComponents#ENCHANTABLE).
  • repairable - Sets the item or tag that can be used to repair the durability of this item (via DataComponents#REPAIRABLE). Must have durability components and not DataComponents#UNBREAKABLE.
  • equippable - Sets the slot the item can be equipped to (via DataComponents#EQUIPPABLE).
  • equippableUnswappable - Same as equippable, but disables quick swapping via the use item button (default right-click).

More information can be found on their relevant pages.

More Functionality

Directly using Item only allows for very basic items. If you want to add functionality, for example right-click interactions, a custom class that extends Item is required. The Item class has many methods that can be overridden to do different things; see the classes Item and IItemExtension for more information.

The two most common use cases for items are left-clicking and right-clicking. For left-clicking, see Breaking a Block and Attacking an Entity (WIP). For right-clicking, see The Interaction Pipeline.


All registries use DeferredRegister to register their contents, and items are no exceptions. However, due to the fact that adding new items is such an essential feature of an overwhelming amount of mods, NeoForge provides the DeferredRegister.Items helper class that extends DeferredRegister<Item> and provides some item-specific helpers:

public static final DeferredRegister.Items ITEMS = DeferredRegister.createItems(ExampleMod.MOD_ID);

public static final DeferredItem<Item> EXAMPLE_ITEM = ITEMS.registerItem(
Item::new, // The factory that the properties will be passed into.
new Item.Properties() // The properties to use.

Internally, this will simply call ITEMS.register("example_item", registryName -> new Item(new Item.Properties().setId(ResourceKey.create(Registries.ITEM, registryName)))) by applying the properties parameter to the provided item factory (which is commonly the constructor). The id is set on the properties.

If you want to use Item::new, you can leave out the factory entirely and use the simple method variant:

public static final DeferredItem<Item> EXAMPLE_ITEM = ITEMS.registerSimpleItem(
new Item.Properties() // The properties to use.

This does the exact same as the previous example, but is slightly shorter. Of course, if you want to use a subclass of Item and not Item itself, you will have to use the previous method instead.

Both of these methods also have overloads that omit the new Item.Properties() parameter:

public static final DeferredItem<Item> EXAMPLE_ITEM = ITEMS.registerItem("example_item", Item::new);

// Variant that also omits the Item::new parameter
public static final DeferredItem<Item> EXAMPLE_ITEM = ITEMS.registerSimpleItem("example_item");

Finally, there's also shortcuts for block items. Along with setId, these also call useBlockDescriptionPrefix to set the translation key to the one used for a block:

public static final DeferredItem<BlockItem> EXAMPLE_BLOCK_ITEM = ITEMS.registerSimpleBlockItem(
new Item.Properties()

// Variant that omits the properties parameter:
public static final DeferredItem<BlockItem> EXAMPLE_BLOCK_ITEM = ITEMS.registerSimpleBlockItem(

// Variant that omits the name parameter, instead using the block's registry name:
public static final DeferredItem<BlockItem> EXAMPLE_BLOCK_ITEM = ITEMS.registerSimpleBlockItem(
// Must be an instance of `Holder<Block>`
// DeferredBlock<T> also works
new Item.Properties()

// Variant that omits both the name and the properties:
public static final DeferredItem<BlockItem> EXAMPLE_BLOCK_ITEM = ITEMS.registerSimpleBlockItem(
// Must be an instance of `Holder<Block>`
// DeferredBlock<T> also works

If you keep your registered blocks in a separate class, you should classload your blocks class before your items class.


If you register your item and get your item (via /give or through a creative tab), you will find it to be missing a proper model and texture. This is because textures and models are handled by Minecraft's resource system.

To apply a simple texture to an item, you must create a client item, model JSON, and a texture PNG. See the section on client items for more information.


Like with blocks and blockstates, most places where you'd expect an Item actually use an ItemStack instead. ItemStacks represent a stack of one or multiple items in a container, e.g. an inventory. Again like with blocks and blockstates, methods should be overridden by the Item and called on the ItemStack, and many methods in Item get an ItemStack instance passed in.

An ItemStack consists of three major parts:

  • The Item it represents, obtainable through ItemStack#getItem, or getItemHolder for Holder<Item>.
  • The stack size, typically between 1 and 64, obtainable through getCount and changeable through setCount or shrink.
  • The data components map, where stack-specific data is stored. Obtainable through getComponents. The components values are typically accessed and mutated via has, get, set, update, and remove.

To create a new ItemStack, call new ItemStack(Item), passing in the backing item. By default, this uses a count of 1 and no NBT data; there are constructor overloads that accept a count and NBT data as well if needed.

ItemStacks are mutable objects (see below), however it is sometimes required to treat them as immutables. If you need to modify an ItemStack that is to be treated immutable, you can clone the stack using #copy or #copyWithCount if a specific stack size should be used.

If you want to represent that a stack has no item, use ItemStack.EMPTY. If you want to check whether an ItemStack is empty, call #isEmpty.

Mutability of ItemStacks

ItemStacks are mutable objects. This means that if you call for example #setCount or any data component map methods, the ItemStack itself will be modified. Vanilla uses the mutability of ItemStacks extensively, and several methods rely on it. For example, #split splits the given amount off the stack it is called on, both modifying the caller and returning a new ItemStack in the process.

However, this can sometimes lead to issues when dealing with multiple ItemStacks at once. The most common instance where this arises is when handling inventory slots, since you have to consider both the ItemStack currently selected by the cursor, as well as the ItemStack you are trying to insert to/extract from.


When in doubt, better be safe than sorry and #copy the stack.

JSON Representation

In many situations, for example recipes, item stacks need to be represented as JSON objects. An item stack's JSON representation looks the following way:

// The item ID. Required.
"id": "minecraft:dirt",
// The item stack count [1, 99]. Optional, defaults to 1.
"count": 4,
// A map of data components. Optional, defaults to an empty map.
"components": {
"minecraft:enchantment_glint_override": true

Creative Tabs

By default, your item will only be available through /give and not appear in the creative inventory. Let's change that!

The way you get your item into the creative menu depends on what tab you want to add it to.

Existing Creative Tabs


This method is for adding your items to Minecraft's tabs, or to other mods' tabs. To add items to your own tabs, see below.

An item can be added to an existing CreativeModeTab via the BuildCreativeModeTabContentsEvent, which is fired on the mod event bus, only on the logical client. Add items by calling event#accept.

//MyItemsClass.MY_ITEM is a Supplier<? extends Item>, MyBlocksClass.MY_BLOCK is a Supplier<? extends Block>
public static void buildContents(BuildCreativeModeTabContentsEvent event) {
// Is this the tab we want to add to?
if (event.getTabKey() == CreativeModeTabs.INGREDIENTS) {
// Accepts an ItemLike. This assumes that MY_BLOCK has a corresponding item.

The event also provides some extra information, such as getFlags to get the list of enabled feature flags, or hasPermissions to check if the player has permissions to view the operator items tab.

Custom Creative Tabs

CreativeModeTabs are a registry, meaning custom CreativeModeTabs must be registered. Creating a creative tab uses a builder system, the builder is obtainable through CreativeModeTab#builder. The builder provides options to set the title, icon, default items, and a number of other properties. In addition, NeoForge provides additional methods to customize the tab's image, label and slot colors, where the tab should be ordered, etc.

//CREATIVE_MODE_TABS is a DeferredRegister<CreativeModeTab>
public static final Supplier<CreativeModeTab> EXAMPLE_TAB = CREATIVE_MODE_TABS.register("example", () -> CreativeModeTab.builder()
//Set the title of the tab. Don't forget to add a translation!
.title(Component.translatable("itemGroup." + MOD_ID + ".example"))
//Set the icon of the tab.
.icon(() -> new ItemStack(MyItemsClass.EXAMPLE_ITEM.get()))
//Add your items to the tab.
.displayItems((params, output) -> {
// Accepts an ItemLike. This assumes that MY_BLOCK has a corresponding item.


ItemLike is an interface implemented by Items and Blocks in vanilla. It defines the method #asItem, which returns an item representation of whatever the object actually is: Items just return themselves, while Blocks return their associated BlockItem if available, and Blocks.AIR otherwise. ItemLikes are used in various contexts where the "origin" of the item isn't important, for example in many data generators.

It is also possible to implement ItemLike on your custom objects. Simply override #asItem and you're good to go.